ApicoectomyWhat Is An Apicoectomy In Long Island And The Things You Should Know

September 22, 2021by Long Island Endodontist

Root canals are commonly prescribed by a dentist or endodontist to save an infected tooth, causing you pain, and to address any underlying issues. Sometimes the root is damaged and you might not know because there is no pain and the infection is limited. In other cases, the infection spreads deep into the root creating an abscess and inflaming the ligament. 

Root canals are common with over 15 million performed every year and the endodontist cleans out the infection and fills the tooth.

However, some situations evolve where the root canal is not effective and another procedure is ordered called an apicoectomy. In these cases, the tip of the tooth’s root is removed to clean out the infection and save the tooth. The goal is to preserve the natural function of the tooth and ensure that it does not have to be removed. In this article, we look at an apicoectomy in Long Island and the things you should know about this procedure.

What Happens During an Apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy is using anesthesia to help dull the nerves and make you comfortable throughout the procedure. Your endodontist makes an incision in the gum line, near the bottom of the tooth. They are reducing inflammation and exposing the infected tissue at the tip of your tooth’s root. These areas are cleaned out to get rid of the infection and allow the canal to heal properly. 

A small amount of filling is used to seal the end of the root canal and stitches seal the gum tissue. The surrounding end of the root will heal over the next several months to help your tooth function like normal. 

Long Island Endodontics is the best place for an apicoectomy, as we use state-of-the-art dentistry to preserve the structure and integrity of the tooth. Our procedure is minimally invasive and removes bacteria, debris, and infected tissue.

The Recovery

The recovery process can take several weeks to a couple of months depending on your age, and your body’s overall health. Typically, you can go back to your routine activities within a day or two but might experience some swelling and discomfort as you are healing. 

Follow our instructions and don’t deviate from what we are telling you to do after the post-procedure to include brushing your teeth and following a specific diet. If you experience any significant amounts of pain, call us immediately to check the tooth and the medication you are taking. 

Long Island Endodontics has the knowledge, experience, and expertise to help you to feel better. Doctors Berry, Rosen, and Goodman are Board Certified, with over 70 years of combined experience in endodontics. 

Outpatient Treatment

An apicoectomy is performed as an outpatient at our office and occurs when the root canal procedure did not work. We use the apicoectomy to save the tooth and prevent having to remove the tooth to ensure the infection heals. 

Typically, the procedure will take a few hours and you should arrange for transportation to and from our office. You will more than likely be feeling the effects of the medication and require someone to ensure you get home safely. 

Long Island Endodontics knows the fear and hesitation you feel when having any procedure performed. We use sedation dentistry, where you will receive laughing gas or an injection that reduces the pain and effects. Our Board Certified anesthesiologist ensures you receive the right amounts throughout your surgery to reduce any adverse impacts. 

The Success Rate

An apicoectomy in Long Island has success rates of 95% five years after the procedure, and 75% 10 to 13 years later. These are effective avenues of preserving your teeth and dealing with complications after root canal surgery. We know what you are going through and are the best endodontist in Long Island to help you to feel better. 

Long Island Endodontics is the one place that can assist you in addressing these issues, so you can get back to normal. Our patients give us favorable reviews for our professionalism, compassion, and understanding. No one does as good of a job for you, as we do when it comes to your dental challenges. 

Contact Us Now

Anytime you are having an apicoectomy in Long Island, the process is filled with uncertainty and confusion. Call Long Island Endodontics today at 516-667-1471 and see why we are the best endodontists in the tri-state area. We can help you to feel better, so you can start living your life pain-free. 

We are in Woodmere, off of Broadway, near the US Post Office, Trinity Cemetery, and the Hewlett-Woodmere Public School. 

Endodontist Office Long Island

We are a dental practice specializing in root canal treatment. Our team is dedicated to providing quality, pain-free care in a comfortable and caring setting.

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141 Franklin Place, Suite C,

Woodmere, NY 11598

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    Apicoectomy Long Island